Marie Valentin Beck var key note speaker på den årlige konference hos NORNDIP Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics på Niels Bohr Instituttet den 24. maj 2023.

Uddrag af talen “Women’s Stories Changing Science”:

"D&I - diversity and inclusion - goes hand in hand as a framework for change. A change of culture, of representation and demographics, of mindsets and structures, of whatever dimensions needing attention on the organizational transformation towards equity. D&I-processes almost always involves the act of getting someone to open their mind to the fact, that the way we have been doing things so far have not worked equally well for everybody - and therefore not well for the organization. 

Stories help scoping and driving D&I work. Committing to D&I is committing to doing things differently, of setting up the organisation and the people in it to actually lead, recruit, interact, comply, performance review and reward differently than before - based on the realization that identity factors such as gender, race, class etc. have been at play all along, inside and and outside the organization. To the advantage of somebody and the disadvantage of somebody else. That realization ignites an awareness that never goes away."
